The following services are available: 

  • Strategy Map Verification and Operationalization Service
  • Crucial Details Execution Design WorkShop
  • D&D Strategy Safeguarding Service
  • D&D Execution Safeguarding Service
Strategy Execution Consulting

Strategy Map Verification and Operationalization Service

  • Quality Check on D&D Strategy Map
  • SuccessManagement Assessment

Crucial Details Execution Design WorkShop

  • Crucial details selection
  • Execution Tools selection for the CDs

D&D Strategy Definition and D&D Execution Safeguarding Service

D&D Strategy Safeguarding Service (minimum 3 months) :

  • Monthly Review Session
  • Contingent of Support Days (flexible call-off):  Strategy Definition Support


D&D Execution Safeguarding Service (minimum 9 months – monthly fee):

  • Monthly Review Session
  • Contingent of Support Days (flexible call-off):  Strategy Execution Support

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